Yes, photographers are like hunters, we shoot and thrill at slicing an instant into permanent eternity. Photographs are always biased, coloured with the prejudice of the photographer. But there again, all form of writing are prejudice, and it is forward to others for interpretations whether accurate or otherwise, bound again by the prejudice of the interpreters.
Yeah, photographers now seems to think we have the right to shoot at sight, as we fancy, becoming very intrusive and dangerous. And as we compose and shoot we created authorship and IP rights for ourselves. Interesting. With a depressing of the shutter release, god like, creatively creating a work of art. So powerful. Photography has acquired and accumulated so much power over the years. At times, taking the role of the Robin Hood, at another, fighting for the underprivileged, and yet at another suffer Posttraumatic stress disorder and died of it.
So do we need them, Photographer?