
I had been featured by

  1. Scienceray,http://www.scienceray.com/Biology/Violent-Death-in-the-Insect-World-Stunning-Photography.215219/1
  2. Insecthunter Newsletter
  3. Chinese magazine ‘WAVE’
  4. Talk ‘Photogenic World of Insects‘ held in Shanghai at ‘Food Fusion’
  5. Interview by Nan Fang Zhou Mo
  6. Interview by Regu ‘Insectunter
  7. Photoshow held by Objectiv ‘InSectHunter
  8. http://news.vnet.cn/info/57/269309_4.html, the title is “昆虫很美也很残酷 像会沉思的金属杀人机器”
  9. http://news.qq.com/a/20071003/002230.htm 2007年10月03日10:36   mangzine·精英
  10. http://sci.ce.cn/society/policy/200709/27/t20070927_13066244_2.shtml
  11. http://xk.cn.yahoo.com/articles/071002/1/46qb_2.html
  12. Won the Best of the Wild, Asia Geographic, 10 anniversary.
  13. Appreciation of the MicroWorld” talk given at Thomson Community Centre.
  14. Appreciation of the MicroWorld – Talk at the Admiral Garden Community Centre
  15. Portraits of Arthropods – 昆虫摄影的讲座,扉艺廊, 广州, 中国。
  16. Discussion of my work with Jessica Shen – Tudou and youtube
  17. Article by Kuan Ming, http://www.feifeipet.cn/index.php/huati/view/id-13387?jdfwkey=2kp7b3
  18. Featured in Silverlining, Jun issue,http://insecthunter.dimagehunter.com/2010/06/14/featured/
  1. Redbubble

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