Thursday, April 30, 2009

Back from COMA

A friend who return from COMA mentioned "Umberto too complex mate. I fall asleep each time I try Name of the Rose LOL. Havent tried Nietzche yet. Right now I am into reading history and quotes. Strange but nothing new actually satisfies..why is that?"

It got me thinking.

Well, you need to get out and see the world, and may be write your own observations. That is a challenge and it is great satisfaction, reading your own work. Get a blog for a start. I get uneasy if everyday is a routine for me. I always look for new ways of doing things, opportunity in trying out, and implement them. Challenge and an experiential life is what you should look for, after coming back from a COMA.
A lot of time we get lazy; we stopped analyzing; we stopped experimenting; we only looks for what everyone is doing and adopt it, experiencing the repetition, the familiarity, and we told ourselves this is the world; we forgot the dream we had when we were younger, in the university; we stop dreaming; we stop realizing the dream.
Life is fragile. Another of my good friend had been diagnosed for leukemia. So feel energize each day when we wake up breathing.
Life is nothing so serious, in fact ironical, if you had come back from near death.
I am going Philippines! See the world. Shoot those happy faces.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Camera for sale, upgrading to better system

Following are the cameras equipment for sale, I am upgrading my system:

  1. Canon 350D with lens Kit lens 18 - 55mm f3.5-5.6 - $638 SOLD

  2. Canon 400D body with 50mm lens good for portrait only - $600

  3. Lumix G1 with zoom lens 14-45mm.- $850

Contact number 98150357

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Contact number 98150357