Friday, October 30, 2009

Conversation with Jessica on Appreciating the MicroWorld

Here is conversation with Jessica on Appreciation of the MicroWorld. Learning and sharing on lessons derive from insects and spiders.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Appreciation of the MicroWorld - Talk at the Admiral Garden CommunityCentre

Meng Foo first tried his hand at photography at the age of 15, and had not looked back since. Through his camera, he has documented street scenes, fashion, sports and architecture. Four years ago, Meng Foo stumbled upon a new realm by chance - the Micro World - and began devoting all his creativity and time to shooting the elements of the Micro World, a world that has become close to his heart.
Meng Foo's talk will explore as well as provide an appreciation of the Micro World. What:     Inspired by the world of the Arthropod
When:     10 Oct 2009  Saturday 1930 hrs
Where: Admiral Garden Community Centre
Blk 649 Woodland Ring Road   (S) 730649
RSVP 98203865.

Appreciating death

Appreciating death by you.
A relook at the passed images.

We tend to see more of an image, not in the instance we depressed that shutter, but persistent meditation on the meaning of life, of existence and being. Inherent in the image is the message of birth, being and death. When meditating on the image, the meaning of an image reveals itself, in slow certainty, not in a flash, but it could come in a flash, a leap from normalcy, across the gap of invisible terrain.

Nights are always quiet, silence; days are a whole loaf of materialistic demands and bodily desires, that is the lure of the urban live. The night clears away those disturbances; we gain focus when darkness obliterated sight, reducing all existence to its essential. Only commanding a calm sense of ignorance, through sheer responsibility to the quest, silence could be found in daylight, with selfishness and irresponsibility required to overcome that momentous monster, social culture, a ‘they’ invisibly cajoling conformity, a slew of slogans of accepted goodness. Morality is borne from them, a form of coercion, to conform, to become, for the good of predictability and governance. Would we need morality when living in solitude and remoteness? Do we need morality when you are you. Or I am me. Would you think there is a need for morality in the social being of the ants and bees? Would you think that morality exists, or it is a mortal invention? And why all mortals think there is one, morality, and is it truth? What is creativity? Create, implies, new, leaping from the here and now to another landscape, non-conforming, difference, other than. And when creativity and morality collided, an immense nebular came into being, and when the nebular subsided, you rejoiced, like the nebular it too would subside.

With such monstrosity, with colorized lenses we could derive meaning and insight from behind each image we had taken. Exert values such as ‘to kill is to sin’ and we well up emotion of pity and a sense of injustice, from our righteous souls. ‘Wasp nibbling in mid-flight’ stirred the ocean of morality, jolted you. Imagine you were the spider. In that silence, death gripped you, you are as helpless as the spider, when face with the superior wasp, face with nature, face with fate, torn and tattered to the core, utterly helpless, if you are as omnipotent as god, you could right the wrong, but you, human, powerless, painful, is trapped, trapped within a body and an illusive heart. You need liberation. You need a way out of this unfairness. Why? Why some are borne to die a tragic death? All are borne to die. Why the privilege of one over the other? You see the pain and the painless. What if your death gives life and meaning to other souls? Indeed, a good deed in death, over a painless unworthy death, is preferred. Yet, it is still death. Death has to be worthy. Death has to be worthy. Death has to be worthy. It screamed in silence and determination. Death has to be worthy; life has to be worth living too. We latched on to its last defence, some are willing to die a worthy death, unwilling to believe otherwise, some see the futility of life, others see the futility of death, facing it squarely as the moment of returning to the source. All those thought are indeed a form of burden, death cannot be proven of its worthiness, all livings however they think and thought have to cease living at one moment or another when it come. Yes, nature’s fairness, the being of beings.

Calm down, take deep breath, long and slow.

Remove the veil of morality, remove questions, and return to the surface of the image. Draw towards the wasp, trace the wasp, from the eyes, amazing red, glittering, energy, radiant, vitality, the mouth, the thorax, the flapping wings, in unison, the legs, the constricted waist, the abdomen, the curve, the pointedness, the texture, the pattern, colour, the minuscule hairs. Complete beauty!!! Such wondrous miniature contains life, being and death. It is so small and yet so complete. Complete! Life in this being is.

The flapping of the wings in unison with the pull of the beaks, tearing the Cyclosa’s remaining cephalothorax away from its head, the Cyclosa in its death had offered itself up as nutrients to the wasp and its offspring. The cyclosa becomes the giver of live and sustenance so the wasp could live.

Facing death. a mangled piece, a head, an eye pops, the placid legs, red, torn, see it, go through every nuance of it. Fear and the urge to escape gripped us. Fix on it and see it as you would see the beauty of the wasp. In death we find liberation. Unite both within a single instance. Life, being and death. The being of the wasp is to feast on the spider. A completion, closure, calm and peaceful. Nature is. Is wonderful. Here we see a completion of nature’s work, again, in repetition -¬ birth, being and death.

Why is death liberating? Imagine you are the spider. Imagine that dying moment, as death grips you, it erases all that you had done, it erases your worthiness, it erases you. Fear, extreme fear, penetrates you deep, deep into your soul, and erases your soul, erases your being, to the point of total erasure. You scream. Scream out your soul. See it vanished. Your denial is futile. You feel that cold sweat and coldness shrivel up the spine.

In death, nothing else matter, desires, debt, hatred, anger, anxiety, joy, love and all emotions; all vanished. One is forgiven and one forgives. So imagine you are the spider, in that instance, liberated, one gave its life to another being, there is no foe, enemy, nor love, pure being, freeze in that moment, a singular moment. All is a pristine whiteness. Lost grips you, shaken, and arrive at a sense of immense liberation.

From that barren whiteness, a wasteland, life start a new, death nourishes beings and gives birth to another, more live flourish, another time, another day, another month, another year, in recurrence, in eternity. One sees its persistence and our futility of denial. It is an impossibility to phantom death, but we could phantom that death liberates. Life is a form of energy, transforming from one form into another.

The Cyclosa’s death, had also liberated those that could had been captured by the web that was spun by the Cyclosa. Now those smaller animals were given a chance to survive and mature; they have the wasp to thank. As one lay down their power, whether destructive or creative, it allows others to flourish and mature. Those that had risen would have to fall some days, the sage cautions, in high places, serve with humility and in low places, serve with pride.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Injured King

The Injured King

History and potentiality

The portraitures made by Avedon of remarkable personalities, captured a certain epoch iconographed by their persona, and yet we see that split second of vulnerability, which Avedon, a hunter, armed with the ability to slice through that thin moment, laser like, made eternal that particularity of emotion, returning them to their humane existence, the susceptibility of fear, rejection, despair, and bewilderment, re-establishing their trivial existence commonly found in any humanly being. Avedon’s Marilyn Monroe, the highly charged sex symbol, was caught in the glimpse of exhaustion, contrary to her famous cliché image of dancing with flaring white skirt, dynamic, youthful, energetic, immortalized by Matty Zimmerman. We, the mortal souls, have our moment, of a publicly upheld persona and a simpler definitive existence. This duality exists in everyone, you and me, however simpler our beings are. This duality, had a simultaneous existence in Avedon’s Marilyn Monroe, it is both historical and ahistorical; she marked the era of woman’s emancipation, sexual liberty and her relentless dissipation of energy surmounting in eventual revelation of tiredness in her privacy, however huge her external persona, she is, after all, a human, human all too human. Would any arthropod in their being have that duality? Are they outside this nature? Is the rule of nature singularly pervasive, with a simultaneous existence in all beings? This is a question worth exploring and fantasizing. Yes fantasizing, would you not agree that for what is real, exists a priori in our consciousness, before we perceive it in our reality. I think therefore I am, such powerful dictum, that trace everything whether real or conjured to our consciousness, terminating in the ‘I’.

Would the introduction of the camera, induce the arthropod to perform, to straighten up and put on a perceivable ‘I would like to be seen persona’, as would most mortals? Is this occurrence pervasive in arthropods or particularly prominent in certain order of arthropods? Perceivably this trait would be more alarming in actors and actresses.
The prominent character trait of the fighting spider is that they love to fight. When two males met each other, they would go into a trance like dance, made semi-circle around each other, sized each other up, charged at each other, and snapped both front legs in a frantic horizontal movement, sometime they fight till one died or one’s limb was bitten off. The looser would run away and the other would give chase. We would declare triumphantly the winner. Is not fighting a savage trait that we all inherited when we were born, as a skill of survival, gaining the privilege to be here, in this being of presence? Through history, we could see that intelligence and art, is a form of decadence in survivality, savage and brutality is the skill in the preservation of the lineage. The Mongols and the Qing, seemingly rule over the far superior civilisation of the Song and the Ming. 

Would we be able to record the history of the arthropods, its history, or its history relative to our being? Have we ever seen a massive war conducted by one insect against another? Most of us would have. We could not understand the feud between them, but we could see one of these episodes play out in documentary; they recur.
Everyday there are so many births and deaths, as well as the continuum between them. Hardly any being, animate or inanimate could escape, the trinity: birth, being and death. Their histories are so insignificant to us, perhaps due to the lack of perceivable connection between ours and theirs, or perhaps their occurrence was predictably replayed with such certainty that we call them behaviour. History with certainty becomes a pattern, a definite thing, a triviality. Would each episode be exactly similar? Very Unlikely. However, at macro level, a blurring of the particularity recalls only the certainty of the event. Our inability to see them in detail, their minute nuances, nor even recognising their differences, nor identify this spider from that spider, we would not be able to postulate their history. They look predictably similar. Would this generality present itself when we zoom into them in the computer? No one was known to have acquired that sensibility to tell them apart by their faces after repeated scrutiny. Would you be able to empathise the sorrow faced by the loosing spider, or the pride of the winner? As I recall, their identity could be found in their movement, peculiar within each, slight variation in shape and colour, or their deformity, but seldom could we be dead sure of their identity.

Perhaps the history in fighting spider is derived from the history of human vanity, as most of us would be emotionally attached to their fighting spiders during younger days; this is enthrallingly worth conscious exploration. It had become the collective memory of those post second World War generation, the baby boomers. Spider had become the preoccupation of school students after studies during the seventies. Fighting spiders had a huge following, they had a star status within captivity, we were their trainers and pride that was if ours won the fight, otherwise, we were also looser if they had lost the fight. If they lost, we would devise ingenious methods to make them better fighter, change the training methods or their diet. All else fail, we would go into the bushes and try to capture another fighting spider, in the hope of discovering a brilliant fighting star.
We see the winner as the conqueror, worthy of care, good food and rigorous training. Feeding them red ant was a no-go, they would developed scratching action; they behaved more panicky, meek and less robust when meeting their opponent. A huge house fly would serve as a more potent meal, energise them, and strengthen them. Training could be sparing with a lesser opponent.

Fighting was a male spider affair, we had hardly seen female fights, and they seem disinterested. The primordial instinct, of gaining a wild increase in strength and fighting dexterity, was enticing the male with the female. It had an immediate impact on the psychology of the male spider, we had thought so. We learned how to ‘fuck spider’. It sounds so obscene. If someone asked you to go fuck spider, he meant, buzz off, go entertain yourself with that meagre ritual, a derogatory terms. Yes, it was a ritual, albeit a sexual one, between a male and female spider. The person fucking the spiders, is both the audience of sort, a pimp with the desire to win, the match maker, a warp mental that peeps at sex show and the organizer of pornographic show. Well, when a nerdy student saw it, it was science and he would be posting that eternal question and possibly turn it into a project, operating them with minuscule utensil, searching their dead body, imaging that flow of fluid from one area to another, postulating their reasons and affirming his thesis. However, this seems a lesser joys for those raw savage survivors, who held on to the spider trend, we preferred the enactment. In amazement, perhaps some would imagine the electrifying effect, that of between their father and mother, for the adventurous they might start wondering and enacting the same ritual upon their perceived lovers. Yes, they would affirm that they were electrically charged and vigorised, there was an invincible potency; they felt strong, and savage. Was it a myth? Later, in life we do realised that though it invigorate, it tired you out, you need rest, only after rest, deep sleep, you would awake with renew confidence and positivism. Another, human legend, that we experience, and would not discount its impact, with male chauvinism, we would deny all science and affirm its impact, it is potent and we need them! Hurray to great sex!

When we first saw it, we were enthralled, questioning, interpreting and creatively verbalising the exactitude of the male being charged up by the female, as we could see the lifting forelimbs, bend in a ‘C’ shape, vibrating in ecstasy, as he touched the head of the female. Only the looser got to fuck, a concession, a sexual booster, to gain sexual prowess, turning them into that raw brutal energy needed in all fights. He went into a trance, vibrating, moved backward, then forward again, touching, vibrating, and the pimp would intercept his desire, and stopped short, disallowing the completion of the ritual. Now entered, the male opponent, it could be a rematch, which he had lost before, but with this prior sexual ritual, we saw renew vigour in his fight. We had seen a looser, became a winner, after the ritual, affirming this age old myth that sex instil instance power, nature is pervasive, we see similarity in human. For those that constantly win the fight, we would not allow them to mate; their youth and vigour would gain strength and last longer if they are célèbre. The Chinese did the same to rooster by removing the male reproductive organ, the rooster would grow bigger and the feathers are more colourful and vibrant. If someone invented a machine to sterilise the fighting spider there will be those game enough to try the machine.

Here is an age old believe, spanning a few thousand years of Chinese wisdom, the modality of the spider’s sexual ritual orchestrated by the human, after gazing at it and asking long enough, we found the answer. Where did the increase in strength come from? From his anger? Spider do get angry? Spider have emotion? So let’s get him angry and may be he could fight better? So the denial of sexual completion got him angry? Let him be hungry and due to the lack of food, he could be more desperate and angry too, but then where would the strength come from if he had no food? Would he fight better, when food level is low? It had never been the method of choice compared to the sexual ritual. The male spider had multiple orgasms, each time his forelegs vibrated in the air, so we believe, and he believed too. However, he was prevented from ejaculating; the palps would be charged up, with immense oom.  The same energy was to be released in the fight. Here is where the similarity with the Taoist and Hindu sacred practise, that the sperms contain such immense energy and life force that it should not be released and be wasted during the human sexual engagement. They should be preserved, that is, ejaculation is bad. In fact, without ejaculation, the male can through various means and practise, redirect the energy back into the body, re-assimilated, resulting in an increase in the health of the male, in the same process, he could have multiple orgasm, longer sexual engagement and it would be much more fulfilling for the female. Could the same potency happen, as could the spider? Would the image of the fighting spider, or any photograph for that matter could, with certainty, had that potency to continuously arouse emotion from its viewer? You would want to capture it, present it, and conserve it, create that potential in stasis.

The sexual ritual was history in the collective memory of that generation. If you asked someone, and they get elated about the fighting spider, you would know that they would be in their late 40s and 50s.

‘The Injured King’, is a tribune to the great spirit of the fighter. He stood high and mighty, without fear of certainty or the unknown, he faced up to challenges as they would come to him. A few blades of leave are adequate for him to call his own and provide him the food he required. He roamed and ruled over them. He fend off any invader even if he would loose his limbs, and he did, two limbs were gone, but his posture of raised head and cephalothorax, shown him to be triumphant and the denial of his handicap. He walked in great strike, exhibiting none of the sign of weakness. I had not known of his handicapped for many years, until I scrutinised these images of him, that I realised this significant. Would you rather be an injured King or an handicapped? Most of us always see our handicaps and forgot our greatness, attributing inability to them. Stand up, I would say, face the challenge with bravery and naivety, the same would be true for me and you. STAND UP.